Matthew Bristow

How much content should I create as a Realtor®?

How much social media content should you be creating to build your business? More.

Content is KING! Social media has quickly become the best place to build a brand and business as an entrepreneur and this is no different for real estate agents. The challenge is real estate isn’t always sexy or overly exciting, so realtors will have to get creative to keep their content engaging.. 

Creating original, unique content can oftentimes be very challenging and discourage real estate agents from trying altogether, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here’s a simple, weekly content structure to get your brand moving in the right direction:

Local Content (50%) 

Think about what you’re searching on Google every Friday night. Best food near me. Things to do in Detroit. Dog parks near me. Best Netflix show to binge. I could go on and on. These are the things that your prospective clients are searching for, as well. Become their resource for this information. Create videos showcasing things to do, places to visit, ultimately anything that people may be searching for around you. These videos should be posted on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, for starters. If you have the funds to build a website, you should be showcasing these videos there, as well.

Educational Content (25%)

People don’t merely want to know what something means. Creating a video defining a home appraisal provides zero value that couldn’t be found in a 5-second Google search. Instead, focus on why someone should care. What value is the consumer receiving from your video? Instead of simply defining an appraisal, explain why it’s such an important part of the home buying and selling process, along with tips on how, when and why you should leverage an appraisal guarantee. This same rule can be applied to every piece of content that you make, real estate or otherwise.

Passion Content (25%)

Who are you? What do you enjoy? How do you spend your time? People work with people that they like. It’s really that simple. A lot of the time, your qualifications aren’t even the most important factor when a homeowner or home buyer is choosing a realtor. They want to work with someone that they find relatable, likable and trustworthy. Create content displaying who you are and what you enjoy outside of real estate. This content will humanize you and alleviate the pressure of being a salesperson when you’re interacting with prospective clients.

Don’t stop here, either. Content is everywhere around you and as long as you’re focusing on adding value to consumers, you’ll see your social media audience grow and begin to snowball over time.

Social media will allow you to build a brand and business for yourself that can last a lifetime. Start today.

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