Matthew Bristow

Should your Realtor® be advertising your home on social media?

As of January, 2023, nearly 3 billion people use Facebook every month. Yes, you read that right. Nearly half of the world’s adult population is on social media.

So, why isn’t your home being advertised there when you’re attempting to sell?

Maximizing your profits when you sell your home in Southeast Michigan comes down to one thing; maximizing exposure.

Believe it or not, over 90% of Michigan real estate agents do absolutely zero marketing for a home when they list it for sale. Once the home is added to the local MLS (Multiple Listing Service), the listing automatically feeds over to your third party platforms such Zillow,, Trulia, Redfin, etc. 

After that? Sit and wait. Sound familiar to a past experience when selling your home?

Let’s be honest, homeowners have the ability to sell their home by owner in today’s world and get virtually the same exposure as the Realtor that’s being referenced above. 

Paid social media ads are the new standard that homeowners should expect when selling their home. Keyword is paid advertising. Simply posting a home on social media doesn’t work anymore.

Here’s an example: Erik Wright, Realtor has nearly 40,000 followers on Facebook. When something is posted, Facebook only shows that post to maybe 5-10% of those followers organically. For context, the average realtor has less than 1,000 followers on Facebook, meaning that your home will only get in front of 5-10 people without the realtor investing into paid ads.

On the flip side, investing into paid Facebook advertising will pay dividends. When the real estate agent reinvests a portion of their commission back into paid advertising for your home, it’ll increase the home’s exposure by 50,000-100,000 people!

More exposure = More showings = More interest = More competition = More offers = More money in YOUR pocket.

The formula is simple. Bottom line, when you’re selling your home, expect more from your real estate agent. 

Find an agent that will reinvest a portion of their commission into paid ads and reap the benefits of seeing twice as many buyers tour your home.

Contact us today to learn more about our marketing strategy at Social House Group.

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